Student Resources
As core members of the campus community, students are crucial to innovation, progress and sustainability at MSU. Whether your passions lie in the sciences, the arts or even business, you can use sustainability as a valuable tool for shaping your experience here. So join a sustainable student group, green your living space, or take an interesting class and evaluate your impact. The choices you make today not only impact your future, but the future for all the generations of Spartans to come.
Welcome Spartans! Take our MSU Sustainability Pledge and make a personal commitment live, learn and work using sustainable practices while learning tips to be spartan green.

Sustainability Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering and community service are integral to the Spartan experience, providing students with hands-on, experiential learning opportunities. At MSU, there are multiple ways to give back, build connection, and help foster sustainable communities on campus, in the Lansing area, within Michigan and beyond.

Join a Sustainable Student Group
Numerous recognized student groups on campus involve a focus on pressing environmental issues and allow students from any area of study to play their part in preserving campus, and the world, for future generations.

Student Sustainability Leadership Council
The Student Sustainability Leadership Council brings together representatives from undergraduate and graduate student groups that advocate for and advance sustainability at Michigan State, leveraging the collective power of their voice.

Connect with your Eco Rep
Eco Reps are students who care about sustainability and the betterment of MSU. Eco Reps help to coordinate and facilitate sustainability events, educate others, and help implement sustainable practices in their residence hall.

Sustainable Living On and Off Campus
Every Spartan has a role in advancing sustainability through their daily actions on and off campus. These tips, resources and programs will help you reduce your impact and make a difference in the Spartan nation.

Take Advantage of MSU's Sustainable Food Options
At MSU, sustainable food options can be found in residential dining halls, the cookies and even the ice cream! Learn how to reduce food waste at everyday meals, and treat yourself to a sustainable treat on campus.

Enhance Your Sustainable Health
A healthy mind and body can help achieve a healthy planet. Find resources and programs to improve your sustainable health and wellbeing.

Incorporate Sustainability Into Your Academic Experience
A growing range of curriculum options allow students at MSU to boldly live our land-grant roots by integrating sustainability across disciplines and degree programs.