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Panel Talk: Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles

Thu, February 9, 2023 5:00 PM - Thu, February 9, 2023 6:30 PM at STEM Teaching and Learning Facility

The fashion industry is a surprisingly big culprit when it comes to carbon footprints, accounting for about 10% of global environmental pollution. Fast fashion in particular encourages consumers to discard clothes after only a few wears and continuously buy more. However, there is a growing movement toward sustainable clothing, one that is more fashion-forward than you might think. In this conversation, we will hear from experts on earth-friendly textile design, eco-certification, and the future of Gen Z fashion. Moderated by Mary Worrall, MSU Museum curator of textiles and social justice. 

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This event aligns with U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 12: Reponsible Consumption and Production