Gondwana (Virtual Reality Film Experience)
Sun, January 22, 2023 12:00 PM - Fri, January 27, 2023 5:00 PM at STEM Teaching and Learning Facility
This forest is changing… do you see it? Contracting 100 years of climate data and predictions into an immersive film, Gondwana is a constantly evolving virtual ecosystem exploring the possible futures of the world’s oldest rainforest. The audience can explore a vast map of winding rivers, ancient trees, and rare and unusual rainforest animals. Weather, wet, and dry seasons, and biodiversity shift and change, however, another story runs underneath this dynamic ecosystem. Canopy recedes, biodiversity falters, the forest falls silent… but all is not lost. Every 14 minutes, the environment jumps forward in time by one year – heading toward a speculative 2090. The longer audiences spend immersed in Gondwana, the more resilient the forest becomes, and the more chance it has of reaching a positive future.
For more information and to register, visit: https://museum.msu.edu/?event=gondwana-virtual-reality-film-experience&event_date=2023-01-22
This event aligns with U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action