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Surplus & Recycling Town Hall: Producer Responsibility - What's Their Part?

Thu, May 27, 2021 6:00 PM - Wed, May 26, 2021 7:00 PM at Zoom

Learn how a key policy tool – extended producer responsibility -- holds producers responsible for what they bring to market and incentivizes them to design out waste. Plus, find out how some Great Lakes states’ governments are putting it into effect.

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When it comes to recycling and reducing waste, we often hear consumers being told to "do your part," which then begs the question, what is the 'part' of the producer? What responsibility do they have to the products and packaging they create and sell? We’ll discuss this topic in our May Town Hall, led by guest speaker, Lea Dyga, Spartan class of '21 and former SSRC staff member.

Lea will talk generally on what extended producer responsibility (EPR) is, how it is used to incentivize producers to consider the end-of-life of their products and packaging before sending an item to production, and how we can use EPR to shift the physical and/or economic burden of disposal off of consumers. Lea will also share her research into EPR-related policies in the Great Lakes region.

This event will be hosted as a meeting (rather than a webinar) and the audience will be invited to ask questions and share thoughts on the topic. Stay 'til the end for a special treat from the Surplus Store. 

This event is hosted by the MSU Surplus Store and Recycling Center.