Greater Lansing Ride of Silence
Wed, May 19, 2021 4:15 PM - Wed, May 19, 2021 8:30 PM at Ride starts at Wells Hall
For additional details, please visit:
The Greater Lansing Ride of Silence is proud to be having its 14th annual event, joining 400+ events annually world-wide that honors and memorializes bicyclists hit and killed or injured by motor vehicles on roadways.
Unless otherwise notified, the event will be in-person, practicing all applicable COVID precautions in place at the time (refer to Ingham County, University and State guidelines). Registration will be from 5:15 to 6:05 pm at the plaza east of Wells Hall on the MSU campus. Riders will leave promptly at 6:30 pm, in procession to The State Capitol with police escort. There will be a brief memorial ceremony with options to return to MSU. This route is approx 9 mi. round-trip:
HELMETS REQUIRED! Lights and bright clothing highly recommended for ride home. The event will still take place in the rain, but the thunderstorm/severe weather alternate date is Saturday, May 22nd, with sign-in starting at 11:15 am at Wells Hall. The event will once again be co-hosted by MSU Bikes and the TCBA (Tri-Co. Bike Assoc.) Advocacy Committee. There is no charge for this event.